Task 1: Genre factsheets 03. 1) What example is provided of why visual iconographies are so important? These iconographies usually indicate the genre of the film. For example the mise en scene of space indicates sci-fi. All these images are usually associated with something helping the audience understand the genre. 2) What examples are provided of the importance of narrative in identifying genre? By looking into detail in the story line used it can help the audience recognise the genre because they are usually shared by other media texts in this genre. 3) What are the different ways films can be categorised according to Bordwell? • Period or Country, e.g. US films of the 1930's • Director / Star, e.g. Ben Stiller Films • Technical Process, e.g. Animation • Style, e.g. German Expressionism; • Series, e.g. Bond; • Audience, e.g. Family Films 4) List three ways genre is used by audiences. a) They use their prior knowledge of the genre to anticipate whether o...