Reception theory

 Part 1) Applying Reception theory to adverts

1) What are the preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings for the RBK 50 Cent advert?
  • Preferred: That one should and can turn their life around for the better, no matter their situation.
  • Negotiated: Perhaps, they are trying to say everyone can buy their products, even criminals, your background does not matter. 
  • Opposition: That one cannot change from their past, and they have no chances to turn their life around.

2) What are the preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings for the advert of your own choice that you analysed for last week's work?
  • Preferred: That the drink will make you happy and give you energy to dance and have fun. 
  • Negotiated: -
  • Opposition: The drink perhaps will make you energy only to be unproductive, and not to do good things. 

Part 2) Reception theory fact-sheet #218

1) Complete Activity 1 on page 2 of the factsheet. Choose a media text you have enjoyed and apply the sender-message-channel-receiver model to the text. There is an example of how to do this in the factsheet (the freediving YouTube video).

2) What are the definitions of 'encoding' and 'decoding'?

Encoding is deconstructing a message. Decoding is interpreting and understanding the message.

3) Why did Stuart Hall criticise the sender-message-channel-receiver model?

He didn’t believe that the ‘message’ had a fixed meaning. He felt that meaning was actually being produced in the
spaces between this relationship, in a dynamic way that varied depending on who received the message.
He thought there was more nuance to their relationship with the text as a cultural product and its producers.

4) What was Hall's circuit of communication model?


5) What does the factsheet say about Hall's Reception theory?

A persons individual interpretation of a media text can be influenced by their conceptual map.

6) Look at the final page. How does it suggest Reception theory could be criticised?

The theory suggests that everybody is able to recognise the dominant reading.


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