Reading an image - media codes


Technical codes:
  • Camerawork/photography - The photography focuses mainly on the subject's face, to reveal the importance of his speech, he is meant to be the role-model.
  • Lighting - There isn't much light but there seems to be top-light, which is illuminating him from the top, highlighting his features, making him seem sort of intimidating. 
  • Editing - The editing of the forensic police fingerprints in the background are suggestive of his criminal background, warning people of the consequences of this lifestyle.  
Written or verbal codes:
  • Language/words -  The choices of words are very motivational, and encourages the audience to better themselves, this is aiming to deter and/or save people from this type of life.

Symbolic or non-verbal codes:
  • Mise-en-scene (CLAMPS) -  C: Snapback - Connecting back to hip-hop culture as a rapper.   
  • Body language/facial expression - The facial expressions are very serious, connoting that this is a message not to be taken lightly.
  • Colour codes - The monochromatic colour scheme makes it feel deep and meaningful.
  • Typographic codes - The font is very modern and cool, whilst standing out boldly.

Narrative codes: -

Technical codes:
  • Camerawork/photography - Close up shot, reveals the information on her face and her expression.
  • Lighting - The lighting is illuminating her whole face, mostly from the middle making her seem more flattering and glamorous, as if this is a drink that can give you the same light and beauty.
  • Editing - The black and white background background, and the Pepsi logo  being the only pop of colour suggests that it might liven up one's life and make it less boring, essentially it will be the only fun.

Written or verbal codes:

  • Language/words - The language choices used are very energetic, suggesting that perhaps it can lifts one's spirits and immediately supply you with energy you otherwise never had. 

Symbolic or non-verbal codes:

  • Body language/facial expression - Her expressions are very perky and innocent, revealing good effects of the drink.
  • Typographic codes - The typography is very simple, and traditional, making it easy to digest, whilst it being bold and on the left it is the first thing the audience sees.

Narrative code: -


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