Blog feedback and learner response

WWW: You’ve made a very good start to Media and reading your blog is a pleasure. I like your answers to the first 10 questions – you really engage with the questions and your point about the challenge of picking A Levels is excellent. I like your rationale! The challenge now is adding the depth and detail to blog answers that is required at A Level – particularly if you want to aim for that A/A* grade. We’ll also develop your academic skills over the next two years in order to prepare you for university – it’s good to know that’s your aim from the beginning and an A grade in Media will certainly help you get a place at a very good university next year. Keep up the good work!


EBI: A couple of things to consider going forward. The first point is what I mention above – adding depth and detail to your blog answers and writing extended paragraphs where appropriate. Often a bullet point or one-sentence answer will be appropriate but where possible go the extra mile and discuss a range of possible meanings. 


Secondly, have another look at the criticism for Reception theory (the final question in that blog task). The main criticism for Reception theory comes from something we’ll study more later in the course – dominant ideologies and hegemony. This means that the media reinforces certain ideas so much that audiences can’t actually completely reject a meaning because society determines what is normal or mainstream. That’s a big idea so early in the course but worth considering if we want that A grade!

Reflect on your work in A Level Media so far: 

What is your strongest piece of work? 

EXAM: Reading an image - I think this is the strongest piece of work as I was able to analyse, and understand adverts and different aspects CLAMPS which are carefully constructed for a purpose and a reaction, which I think I was able to point out well. 

COURSEWORK : Sounds -  I think that my answers were quite perceptive, and I understood the effects of sound pretty well, and was able to apply that not only to practical work but also to analysis of texts, demonstrating a well-rounded understanding of the topic. 

What is your weakest? 

 EXAM: Reception Theory - I think this was the weakest, although I was able to initially pick out the preferred, negotiated and op-positional readings, I could not grasp well enough what the vision of the producer was when referring back to this, so I wasn't clear and perceptive enough. 

COURSEWORK:  Lighting - I think that this was my weakest because lighting techniques are can be different and create a clear effect at times, but sometimes I personally do not see an effect when it needs to be identified, and my analysis becomes quite limited because of this. 

What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?

  • Skills.
  1. The skill of being observant - to notice and identify methods and details. 
  2. The skill of being perceptive - to explain effects, and to analyse effectively. 
  3. The skill of being creative - to think differently, and not always point out the obvious.
  • Knowledge.
  1. The knowledge of theories - to apply to practical, and analytical aspects of work. 
  2. The knowledge of techniques e.g CLAMPS - to identify these in texts and explain effects successfully.


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