MIGRAIN: Feminist and gender theory
Media Magazine reading - two articles on feminism and theory
Read Playing With The Past: Post-feminism and the Media (MM40, page 64 - our Media Magazine archive is here). This is a great example of sophisticated media analysis and an indication of the level we want to be writing at by the end of the two-year course.
1) What examples are provided from the two texts of the 'male gaze' (Mulvey)?
Pan Am a show following flight attendants on an American airline and Beyoncé's 'Why don't you love me' music video
2) Do texts such as these show there is no longer a need for feminism or are they simply sexism in a different form?
Whilst they are reinforcing sexism through things like the male gaze, the aim is not to be sexist. Despite that there is still a need for feminism.
3) Choose three words/phrases from the glossary of the article and write their definitions on your blog.
Patriarchy – An ideology that places men in a dominant position over women.
Nostalgia – A sentimental longing for the past, often only remembering the positives of the time.
Male Gaze – Mulvey's argument that main stream Hollywood films subject female characters to the ‘male gaze’ of the camera,
fragmenting and objectifying their bodies.
Now read The Theory Drop: Gender Performativity (MM69, page 25) and answer the following questions.
1) How does the writer suggest gender performativity is established from a young age?
1) How does the writer suggest gender performativity is established from a young age?
This is established through children's clothing. With boys wearing clothes saying 'Mummy's little monster', making them more likely to be chaotic and misbehave. Whereas girls wear shirst saying 'Dancing with my friends makes the sun shine'
2) What does the phrase 'non-binary' refer to and how does it link to Butler's theory?
This means to not relate or identify with a certain gender, this links to Butler's theory because it means people do not conform to traditional binary beliefs.
3) How and why does the media help reinforce gender stereotypes? The writer provides several examples in the final section of the article.
3) How and why does the media help reinforce gender stereotypes? The writer provides several examples in the final section of the article.
Bertie, Russian Doll, and Killing Eve which present lazy stereotypes that are present in historical texts.
Music video analysis
Music video analysis
1) How might this video contribute to Butler’s idea that gender roles are a ‘performance’?
This can contribute to Butler's ideas because Beyonce dresses up as BB homemaker perpetuating the idea that a women's role is to provide acre for a family and the household, tapping into traditional view about women in the home.
2) What might van Zoonen suggest regarding the representation of women in this video?
2) What might van Zoonen suggest regarding the representation of women in this video?
Van Zoonen would argue that women such as Beyonce are being presented as a spectacle to look at in this music video, supporting her ideas about the male gaze. As well, as reinforcing gender roles for women because the type of character that Beyonce portrays.
3) What are YOUR views on this debate – does Beyonce empower women or reinforce the traditional ‘male gaze’ and oppression of women?
3) What are YOUR views on this debate – does Beyonce empower women or reinforce the traditional ‘male gaze’ and oppression of women?
I think that Beyonce does empower people at times through the music the music she puts forward, however, the visuals of the music videos which accompany it although aiming to be empowering can reinforce the male gaze but definitely not the oppression of women.
1) How does the video suggest representations of masculinity have changed in recent years?
It suggests that masculinity is evolving that now it is more socially acceptable for men to cry, be emotional and vulnerable, forming a new idea of masculinity.
2) What does David Gauntlett suggest about representations of men in the media over the last 20 years?
He believes that masculinity is not in a crisis but is just evolving as society and culture evolves and become more tolerant.
3) What is YOUR view on the representation of men and masculinity? Are young men still under pressure from the media to act or behave in a certain way?
3) What is YOUR view on the representation of men and masculinity? Are young men still under pressure from the media to act or behave in a certain way?
Yes, young men are under pressure because of representation of men in the media, making them feel insecure in their masculinity and so they conform to feel a sense of satisfaction with themselves. However, I think it's mostly pressure from people in their daily lives, family, friends, classmates who would have a bigger impact on their attitudes because these are people who perceptions of them would matter the most.
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