
Showing posts from March, 2025

Introduction to advertising: blog tasks

1) How does the Marmite Gene Project advert use narrative? Apply some narrative theories here. It creates a narrative of neglect by placing the product as the princess and the audience as the heroes, creating a story-line where the audience can save it by purchasing and cherishing it. Todorov - character types. 2) What persuasive techniques are used by the Marmite advert? Slogan, repetition and emotional appeal.  3) Focusing specifically on the Media Magazine article, what does John Berger suggest about advertising in ‘Ways of Seeing’? That ‘All publicity works on anxiety’ - because people want to be the best versions of themselves. 4) What is it psychologists refer to as referencing? Which persuasive techniques could you link this idea to? We refer, either knowingly or subconsciously, to lifestyles represented to us (through the media or in real life) that we find attractive. We create a vision of ourselves living this idealised lifestyle, and then behave in ways th...

Assessment 2 learner response

  1) Type up your feedback in  full  (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). WWW: Perfect Q1-3,  EBI: Reference to wider media 2) Read  the mark scheme for this assessment carefully . Identify at least  one  potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment. 1.  The British flag (Union Jack) constructs a meaning of Great Britain, traditional power and the monarchy. For some audiences, it will also offer connotations of Stormzy’s place as a British cultural icon as it reflects the Union Jack stab-proof vest (designed by artist Banksy) that Stormzy wore for his Glastonbury appearance in 2019. 2.  Conglomerate ownership 3. It is regulated by Ofcom so therefore maintaining standards and providing audiences somewhere to complain or raise objections to content. 4. Two-step flow theory – audiences are more likely to respond to people rather than media institutions so...

MIGRAIN: Final index

  Introduction to Media - 10 questions Media consumption audit Semiotics: Blog tasks Language: Reading an image - media codes Reception theory - advert analysis and factsheet Genre: Factsheet questions and genre study questions Narrative: Factsheet questions Audience classification: Blog tasks October assessment learner response Audience theory 1 - Hypodermic needle/Two-step flow/U&G Audience theory 2 - The effects debate - Bandura, Cohen     Industries: Ownership and Control   Industries: Hesmondhalgh - The Cultural Industries   Industries: Public Service Broadcasting Industries: Regulation Representation: blog tasks Introduction to feminism: blog tasks MIGRAIN: Feminist and gender theory Collective identity and representing ourselves: blog tasks Ideology: blog tasks