Introduction to advertising: blog tasks
1) How does the Marmite Gene Project advert use narrative? Apply some narrative theories here. It creates a narrative of neglect by placing the product as the princess and the audience as the heroes, creating a story-line where the audience can save it by purchasing and cherishing it. Todorov - character types. 2) What persuasive techniques are used by the Marmite advert? Slogan, repetition and emotional appeal. 3) Focusing specifically on the Media Magazine article, what does John Berger suggest about advertising in ‘Ways of Seeing’? That ‘All publicity works on anxiety’ - because people want to be the best versions of themselves. 4) What is it psychologists refer to as referencing? Which persuasive techniques could you link this idea to? We refer, either knowingly or subconsciously, to lifestyles represented to us (through the media or in real life) that we find attractive. We create a vision of ourselves living this idealised lifestyle, and then behave in ways th...