Audience classification: blog tasks

 1) Media Factsheet

1) How is audience defined in the Fact sheet?

The audience is the general term for all the individual people who consume a media product.

2) What does the info-graphic for Gen Z in the age of Covid-19 suggest about the media Gen Z consumes?

There was a significant spike in those who watch online at 51%, and there were was a drop in physical press to 9%. This shows how Gen Z are consuming a drastically higher amount of online video content than before the outbreak. 

3) How do media companies target and measure their audience in the digital age?
Media producers use data which may be simple or complex to target their audience that is through choice of platform, scheduling or algorithm. 

4) What did the NRS used to do and what does PAMCO do now? 

The National Readership Survey was operational from 1956 to 2018 and was used to collect demographic information about the audiences of newspapers. PAMCO now collates information on traditional newspapers and magazines in print form but also their digital presence, producing some complex about who consumes them. 

5) How are demographics and psychographics defined in the fact sheet?

Demographics - involves collecting relatively impersonal data about individuals and what they’re consuming. This can b used to predict wider trends in consumption.  

Psychographic - called lifestyle profiling, is sometimes considered to be a more subtle way of categorising media audiences, looks at at people's interests and the way they behave and perceive themselves in relation to consumer goods, and media. 

6) Now read the rest of the fact sheet - we'll be studying these theories over the next few lessons. Choose one audience theory you think is interesting and explain why. 

Cultivation theory: I think it is quite interesting how sometimes the story world, and the real world can’t be separated, and how this makes people make certain judgements about the world around them, even if it is negative or positive. 

2) Psychographics presentation and reflection

1) Post the details from your psycho-graphics presentation (details in the blog post above) to your blog with all details of the couple you created and their media consumption (it needs to be on your blog individually but can be a duplicate of your partner's post).

2) Reflect on what you have learned about psycho-graphics. Which psycho-graphic groups do you feel best fit YOUR lifestyle and personality? Explain how and why you made your decision and provide evidence justifying this.

I think that i'm a 'Reformer' as I feel like I definitely feel like this group is not as extreme and specific as the others which have qualities which I would personally say I don't have. I think it is simple and not over the top like for example 'Explorers' where they constantly look for new thrilling experiences, whereas, I am not so adventurous and stick to things i'm comfortable with (within boundaries cause I might still go out and explore). Overall, I like to calmly and be sort of behind the scenes and observe the world that way. 


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